The uses and gratification of exposure to information through social media to promote learning of undergraduate students of Saint John's University


  • Thamrong Rattanaparnudet Saint John’s University


The uses and gratification, The exposure to information through social media, Promote learning, Undergraduate students of Saint John's University


     The purpose of this study were to 1) study the behavior of exposure to information through social media  to promote learning of undergraduate students of Saint John's University 2) study the uses of exposure to information through social media  to promote learning of undergraduate students of Saint John's University 3) study the gratification of exposure to information through social media  to promote learning of undergraduate students of Saint John's University. The researcher used a mix-methods of quantitative research and qualitative research for study method. The population of this study was undergraduate students of Saint John's University. The data was collected using questionnaires and interview form as a tool for data collection.
          Result of the study found that : Types of social media used to exposure to information through social media  to promote learning was Facebook, The type of social media that is most exposed to information to promote learning was Google+, The frequency of accessing social networks to receive information to promote learning is the most at more than once per day, The average amount of time spent in social networks to promote learning each day the most is 30 minutes -1 hour, Time period using social networks to receive information to promote learning the most often is between 20.01-24.00, The place that is most accessible to social networks in order to receive information to promote learning : the largest number was the house, A device for accessing social networks in order to receive information to promote learning as much as possible : the largest number was cell phones / smartphones, The most common aspect of using social media to expose information to promote learning was talk / conversation, The most widely accepted type of information to promote learning was travel, The type of information that is most open to promoting learning was news, Information exposure behavior to promote learning through social networks : the largest number was selected to read only the subject of interest, Taking advantage of exposure to information via social media to promote learning, it was found that the samples took advantage of their exposure to information via social media to promote learning : overall, it was at a high level with a total average of 4.44, The satisfaction of information exposure via social media to promote learning was found that the samples were satisfied with their exposure to information through social media to promote learning : overall, it is at a high level with a total average of 4.44


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