Developing educational institutions to be a learning organization that is conducive to promoting research In the class of teachers under the Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • Sopee Wiwatchankit Education Program Thongsuk College


Developing educational, learning organization, promoting research In the class


This research proposes : 1. Studying influential factors over being learning organization to enhance conducting research in classrooms of teachers under supervision of Nonthaburi Primary Education Service Office 1, 2. Studying implementation conditions and current requirements of being learning organization to enhance conduction research in classrooms of teachers under supervision of Nonthaburi Primary Education Service Office 1, 3. Presenting guidelines in development of educational institutes in Nonthaburi Primary Education Service Office 1 to become learning organization to enhance conducting research in classrooms of teachers, 4. Presenting strategies in development of educational institutions in Nonthaburi Primary Education Service Office 1 to become learning organization to enhance conducting research in classrooms of teachers by conducting survey research, collecting information obtained from questionnaires distributing to sample who are as related person of educational institutes under supervision of Nonthaburi Primary Education Service Office 1 such as Committee of Nonthaburi Provincial Education Office, Committee of Nonthaburi Primary Education Service Office 1, Educational Institute Committees, other Committees which are related to executives of educational institutes and teachers in educational institutes under supervision of Nonthaburi Primary Education Service Office 1 totally 490 persons and organizing In-depth interview with persons and scholars who are related directly to Nonthaburi Primary Education Service Office 1 totally 50 persons. Research results obtained from descriptive statistics such as Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation as well as results obtained from inferential statistics   by using multiple variables correlation analysis such as Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis with Level of Significance at 0.05 in hypothesis test.

             Research results indicates that:

  1. Attitudes towards conducting research in classrooms of teachers, it is found that conducting research in classrooms is deemed as development of teaching profession, being necessary to create academic knowledge, solving teaching and learning arrangement problems, developing learners as well as being academic performances for promotion request, self-development in research which has knowledge and understanding in conducting research in classrooms in Intermediate Level.
  2. Current conditions of educational institutes affect to promotion of developing educational institutes to be learning organization to enhance conducting research in classrooms of teachers, it is found that determination of strategy and policy, organization / organizational structure, leadership, emphasis and awareness of executives of educational institutes, promotion of learning culture of educational institutes, concurrent learning environment of educational institutes and supportive ability of resources and facilities of education institutes. The overall condition of supportive ability of resources and facilities of education institutes is in Much Level.
  3. Requirements of teachers in development of educational institutions as learning organization to enhance research in classrooms of teachers, it is found that the overall requirement is in Much Level , if it is considered in specific factors, the Most Level of promotion is leadership, followed by emphasis and awareness of executives of educational institutes and organization / organizational structure factors respectively.     
  4. Achievement in development of educational institutes as learning organization to enhance conducting research in classrooms of teachers, it is found that the general achievement is in Intermediate Level, if it is considered in specific factors, the Much Level of achievement is higher learning achievement of student, followed by educational institutes are learning organizations.


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