Development Explosive Ordnance Disposal of Police Officer for Risk Management Royal Thai Police


  • Surachai Chanma
  • Dithapart Bowornchai


Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officers, EOD Officers, Security, Risk Management


This research was conducted using the mixed method research approach with the following purpose: 1) To study problems and risk levels of explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) officers of the Royal Thai Police (RTP). The samples for the case study were 281 EOD officers of the RTP nationwide. The research was divided into two parts. Part 1 was to study and analyze risks and risk management measures of EOD officers of the RTP. Data collection was made by using the questionnaires with the EOD officers of the RTP. The rating scale was divided into 5 levels. The descriptive statistics approach was used in the analysis of general information of the samples. Relationships were analyzed by testing differences of average values. “T-test Dependent” was used for analyzing differences of average values. Hypothesis testing was conducted by using “F-test” values through the analysis of “One Way ANOVA.” Correlation analysis was also used to determine relationships. Part 2 was to study the guidelines for the development of risk management measures for the EOD officers of the RTP. Data collection was made by conducting group conversations with the commissioned and non-commissioned EOD officers of the RTP as well as an in-depth interview with the Deputy Commander of the EOD Division of the RTP.

          The study results showed as follows: 1) The problems and the risks of the EOD officers of the RTP were at the highest level; and 2) The guidelines for the development of risk management measures for the EOD officers of the RTP consisted of 4 pillars: (1) Personnel, (2) Work Process, (3) Technology, and (4) Performance Standard.    


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