Improvement of the Efficiency of Explosive Ordnance Disposal of the Royal Thai Police Case Study: Explosive Ordnance Disposal Section, Patrol and Special Operation Division, Metropolitan Police Bureau, Royal Thai Police


  • Yutthasak Khaita
  • Naruedolrapasson Jaksudechovanith


Efficiency Improvement, Explosive Ordnance Disposal


The objectives of this research were to: (1) study the explosive ordnance disposal measures of the Royal Thai Police; (2) study the efficiency of explosive ordnance disposal measures of the Royal Thai Police; and (3) improve the efficiency of explosive ordnance disposal of the Royal Thai Police. The samples of this research consisted of 267 police officers who were explosive ordnance disposal officers affiliated with the Royal Thai Police. This research was divided into two parts. The first part included the study and analysis of the efficiency of police officers who were explosive ordnance disposal officers affiliated with the Royal Thai Police. The data collection was carried out by surveying the samples’ opinions using a 5-point scale questionnaire. This research used descriptive statistics for the analysis of general information about the samples. Correlations were identified by testing the difference in the mean values using the dependent t-test, F-test, one-way ANOVA, and correlation analysis. The second part of this research was the study of the guidelines for improving the efficiency of explosive ordnance disposal officers of the Royal Thai Police. In this part, data collection was conducted through focus-group discussions with explosive ordnance disposal officers from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Section, Patrol and Special Operation Division, Metropolitan Police Bureau, under the Royal Thai Police and through in-depth interviews with two high-ranking chief police officers of the Royal Thai Police.

The research revealed that there was a correlation between the level of opinion about current efficiency of explosive ordnance disposal officers and that of the opinion about expected efficiency.  Such correlation occurred with a statistical significance of 0.01. From the research, the guidelines for improving the efficiency of explosive ordnance disposal of the Royal Thai Police were acquired, which involved three areas: (1) Personnel (the development of training and review in explosive ordnance disposal on a continual basis), (2) Explosive ordnance disposal skills (the development of skills in using explosive ordnance disposal devices and study lessons pertaining to explosive placement and explosive ordnance disposal of explosives utilized by terrorists worldwide, and (3) Explosive ordnance disposal technology (using technology for explosive ordnance disposal, tools for identifying substances used for making explosives, and bio-chemical and radioactive protective equipment.


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