Approach to Traffic Safety Management for Tourists Who Visit the Buddha’s Footprint at Khao Khitchakut National Park, Chanthaburi Province


  • Paweenrat Wechmaneesri
  • Naruedolrapasson Jaksudechovanith


Traffic Safety Management Approach, Visit to the Buddha’s Footprint, Khao Khitchakut National Park


This research was on the approach to traffic safety management for tourists who visit the Buddha’s Footprint at Khao Khitchakut National Park, Chanthaburi province. It involved mixed method research which aimed to: 1) study traffic problems affecting tourists who visit the Buddha’s Footprint at Khao Khitchakut National Park, Chanthaburi province; 2) study traffic safety management for tourists who visit this place; and 3) define the approach to traffic safety management for tourists who visit this place. The samples of this research consisted of 400 tourists who visited this place. The research consisted of two parts. The first part was the study and analysis of traffic problems affecting tourists who visit the Buddha’s Footprint at Khao Khitchakut National Park, Chanthaburi province. The data collection was carried out by surveying the samples’ opinions using a 5-point scale questionnaire. This research used descriptive statistics for the analysis of general information about the samples. Correlations were identified by testing the difference in the mean values using the dependent t-test, F-test, and one-way ANOVA. The difference in their opinion levels was identified using the multiple comparisons test. The difference was tested using Fisher’s least significant difference and multiple linear regression analysis. The second part of the research was dedicated to the study of the approach to traffic safety management for tourists who visit the Buddha’s Footprint at Khao Khitchakut National Park, Chanthaburi province. In this part, data collection was conducted through focus-group discussions with people involved in traffic management and in-depth interviews with executive officers, police officers, park officers, and administrative officers. The study indicated that current traffic safety management measures had an impact on the traffic safety management approach. The regression coefficient values revealed that the environment, individuals, and vehicles had an impact on the traffic safety management approach. This demonstrated that these three areas of traffic safety management measures had a relationship with two modes of transport – travel on foot and by shuttle bus to the Buddha’s Footprint site. There should be more accident control and preventive measures, and they should be strictly enforced to ensure safety for tourists. In terms of expected traffic safety management measures, the regression coefficient values showed that the environment and vehicles affected the approach to traffic safety management for tourists. This demonstrated that the tourists had an expectation about tourist safety measures in terms of the environment and travel on foot and by shuttle bus.


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