Evaluation of the State Welfare Cardholder Program: A Case Study Lower Northeastern Provincial Cluster 2


  • Chaiyut Sa-Ngunkeaw Faculty of Political Science, Bangkok Thonburi University
  • Satit Niyomyard Faculty of Political Science, Bangkok Thonburi University


project evaluation, welfare card


             The Objective of this research is 1) to study problems and obstacles of state welfare card projects in the lower northeastern provinces and 2) to study the social success characteristics of the state welfare card  project in the provinces. Lower Northeast Is a data collection tool with a sample from The qualitative research method was group discussion with 30 participants, individual interviews involved in group discussion.

          Analysis results revealed the truth. Overall said1) As for the community leaders, it was found that community leaders, especially the village headmen and village committees, played an important role in driving mediating projects between villagers and the government sector. Including to play a role in bringing people's thoughts in consideration.2) As for the government welfare card policy, most of them attach great importance to the success of the project because they are close to the people. Acknowledging the problem and details very well, it is the voice of the people In addition to having to Develop and educate More community leaders Also need to increase the role A leader who must understand and reach out to the people as well. By the role of the headman 3) Understanding the state benefit card, found that most people have an understanding of the state benefit card, such as the state welfare card, to help mitigate it. Cost of living Household expenses And travel expenses of low income people Buy essential consumer goods, buy educational items and raw materials for Agriculture from Thong Fah, Pracharat and other shops designated by the Ministry of Commerce There is a registration of low-income people to claim their rights. State Welfare Card from the Government, Rights of the State Welfare Card To be informed about the details Of state welfare cards from various media such as television, radio, newspaper, etc. 4) As for the satisfaction with the government welfare card policy, they found that most of them were satisfied with using the card policy service. State welfare Help to reduce the cost of living of the state benefit card to help alleviate the cost of living expenses in the household. The purchase limit for consumer products is 200-300 baht per person per month. Low-income earners receive money to buy products. To purchase essential consumer products Buy educational products and agricultural materials from the Blue Flag Shop. Pracharat and other stores As specified by the Ministry of Commerce And the rights of the of the state welfare card. 5) The organization in the area exchanged knowledge and news found that the exchange of knowledge and information showed that most of the project preparation did not have knowledge and knowledge exchange between villages, communities or people in communities between areas. It is only learning from original sources or plagiarism. This did not happen to exchange news, information and knowledge for project development.


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