Educational Management in Special Economic Zone


  • ดร. อุราชนก คงกล่ำ


Education Management ; Special Economic Zone; Border Special Economic Zone; Eastern Economic Corridors


Education is important for economic and social development. The educational management for children and youth is necessary to develop them according with the changes in social and economic, which integrated human resource development.  It supports the education and gaining vocational skill throughly that relevant to local potential, also the demand of  labor market. Thus, the pattern of the curriculum management  in border special economic zone and eastern economic corridors leads to develop the education and the skill of students , emphasize area-based educational management. These makes them proud of their provinces, also develop the curriculum  management. It presents the opportunities for every students and enabling self development for career path that meet the requirements of business and enterprising, as well as life skill.  The national’s educational development has to cooperate with the educational collaboration of ASEAN Committee On Education (ASCOE).


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