Good Governance of Administrators of Private Higher Education Institutions


  • ดร.เตือนใจ เขียนชานาจ


Private Higher Education, Good Governance


This article aims to present that good governance is not a universal principle. But must be applied in accordance with the social context. Which in the case of private higher education institutions. Good governance principles that should be consistent with the context of the Private University should include: rule of law, moral principles, transparency principles, participation principles, responsibility principles, value principles, principles stable, and the principle of social goals. In which these eight principles are integrated in the administration of the private university. And leading to the final goal of education management is to produce and develop quality personnel, can adjust for work that happens throughout life,. Develop higher education potential in creating knowledge and innovation. In order to increase the competitiveness of countries in the global world, and supporting sustainable development of local thai by using the mechanism of good governance. In addition it also helps to solve problems in the organization's management as well.


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