Effectiveness of Academic Management Model in Primary Schools under the Jurisdiction of Bungkan Primary Educational Service Area Office


  • Prairat Wutthisarn EducationEducational Administration Pathum Thani University
  • Tawee Wachasataya EducationEducational Administration Pathum Thani University
  • Salisa Jenkhow EducationEducational Administration Pathum Thani University


Academic Management Model Effectiveness, Primary School.


The objectives of this research were 1) to study condition of academic management in primary schools under the jurisdiction of Bungkan primary educational service area office. 2) to develop effective academic management model in primary schools and 3) to estimate suitability, possibility of effective academic management model in primary schools. The samples were 332 administrators and academic teachers educational service area office on the academic year 2015 from 215 schools. The tools used was questionnaire, 9 experts for focus group discussion and estimate the suitability and possibility by 20 experts. The statistics used for data analysis included percentage, mean, and standard deviation and content analysis.

The research results revealed that: 1) the analysis results of academic management level effectiveness in primary schools, as a whole was at high level. When considering each aspect found that the highest level was research for education, quality development aspect, followed by measuring and evaluating outcome, and the lowest level was learning process development aspect. 2) the effectiveness of academic management model in primary schools comprised of 5 components included the principles of model, the aim of the model, implementation mechanism, implementation effectiveness of and model examination 3) the opinions analysis of experts on the suitability and possibility of effectiveness of academic management model in primary school as a whole was at high level, when considering each aspect found that all aspects were at high level.


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