Early Childhood Education Management Model of Private Primary Schools under the Jurisdiction of Bungkan Primary Educational Service Area Office


  • Wilian Wutthisarn Education Educational Administration Pathum Thani University
  • Tawee Wachasataya Education Educational Administration Pathum Thani University
  • Salisa Jenkhow Education Educational Administration Pathum Thani University


Early Childhood Education Management Model, Private Educational Institution


This objectives of this research were 1) to study condition of early childhood education management of private schools, Bungkan primary educational service area office. 2) to develop early childhood education management model of private schools and 3) to estimate early childhood education management model of private schools. The sample was 13 administrators and 83 teachers of private primary school. The tool used was the questionnaire, 9 experts for focus group discussion and estimate the suitability and possibility by 20 experts. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation and content analysis.

The research results revealed that: 1) the analysis results of early childhood education management condition of private primary schools, as a whole was at high level. When considering each aspect found that the highest level was administrative instruction system, followed by quality development and the lowest level was personnel administrative aspect. 2) early childhood education management model of private primary school comprised of 6 components included objective, principle, implementation mechanism, implementation, model examination, success conditions and 3) the assessment results of possibility and suitability of early childhood education management of private primary as a whole was at high level, when considering each aspect found that all aspects were at high level.


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