The Guidelines for the Development of Provincial Police Officers in the Era of Thailand 4.0


  • Pol.Col. Aganit Danpitaksat The Institute of Public Administration and Governance, Shinawatra University
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Atiporn Kerdruang The Institute of Public Administration and Governance, Shinawatra University
  • Dr.Prayuth Swadriokul The Institute of Public Administration and Governance, Shinawatra University


Guidelines Development, Police officers of the Thai era 4.0


The objective of this study were to 1) study the level of personal characteristics that effected the development of Phuket Provincial Police Officers in the Thailand 4.0 era. 2) Study the level of internal factors affecting the development of Phuket Provincial Police Officers in the Thailand 4.0 era. 3) study the level of opinions about the guidelines for the development of Phuket Provincial Police Officers in the Thailand 4.0 era using Mix Methods Research during quantitative research. And qualitative By using population groups and quantitative samples A total of 400 people out of 1,122 people used the questionnaire as a tool. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The qualitative research section Use field research from in-depth interviews. From 1 station supervisor, total 11 stations in Phuket Along with surveying data from documentary studies

The research results found that

1) Personal characteristics that affect the development of provincial police officers Phuket Province, Thailand 4.0 era, in overall, is at a high level. With an average of 3.64

2) The level of internal factors affecting the development of the Phuket Provincial Police Officers in the Thailand 4.0 era is at a high level. With an average of 3.50

3) The level of opinions about the guidelines for the development of Phuket Provincial Police Officers in the Thailand 4.0 era were at a high level. With an average of 3.55


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