The influence factor of the development activity model learned to the change affecting students ' learning abilities in higher public and private institutions. Lower north-Eastern Region 2


  • Kanjana Aupasarn The Eastern University of Management and Technology


Learning, development activities for change, learning ability


This research aims to analyze the influence factors of the modeling activity model. Learn to changhat affects student learning abilities in higher public and private institutions. Lower north-eastern provinces 2 by asking the opinion of the sample group as the management of the institution. Teachers and people related to the development of 326 students develop models with statistics, analysis, averages, and standard deviation, analyze relationships and analyze the frequency of the percentage. It is used as a framework to interview 22 specialist group for the opinion and endorsement of the ability to remove this analytical model in a practical way. Research has found that the model has influence factors consisting of self-validation. Development of new knowledge event recognition using Internet search time, accepting changes and student success in life from participating in an event that can explain a common variance for students learning capabilities. .05, the three variables also have a significant correlation in the same direction, statistics at the .01 level, as well as the average level of medium to high, the implementation of a practical action may be conducted through a skill supplement, technical support profession, social services, and promote virtue of students.


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