The Development of School Leadership Model for Educational Management in 21st century which affects the quality of small schools In the upper northeast province 1


  • Siwaporn Duangchalerm The Eastern University of Management and Technology


School leadership, Educational management in 21st century, quality of school


The objective of this research was to develop a school leadership model for educational management in the 21st century that affects the quality of small schools in the upper northeast region 1. Sample groups of 320 school directors, deputy directors, teachers, teacher assistants, and staff participated and Data was collected to analyze the model as well as asking for opinions from a group of knowledgeable and experienced experts in development of quality of small schools. 19 experts guaranteed the possibility of the model with statistical analysis of survey components, common factor Analysis Statistics, mean analysis standard deviation frequency and percentage Correlation coefficient analysis as well as analysis of variance and multiple regression analysis. The result found that the model which consists of emotional regulation and communication, action research, Self-directed learning and the professional learning community has an impact on school quality with statistical significance .05. Job position, research conducting in the classroom and receiving benefits other than regular income had impacted on the quality of small schools with statistically significant. However, for the guidelines for implementation, it is emphasized on the establishment of knowledge groups based on the expertise and interest of both teachers or students


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