Teaching Technology affects the Efficiency of Teacher Learning management. In Colleges under the Office of the Private Vocational Education Commission The North East


  • Pramyuda Lusombat The Eastern University of Management and Technology
  • Smanjit piromruen The Eastern University of Management and Technology


Teaching technology, Teacher Learning management, Office of the Private Vocational Education Commission.


The objective of this research is to 1) study the educational situations, concepts, theories and research related to how teaching technology affect the efficiency of learning management of teachers in colleges under The North-Eastern Office of Private Vocational Education Commission 2)study the relationship between the study concepts, theories and research related to teaching technology affect the efficiency of learning management of teachers in colleges under The North-Eastern Office of Private Vocational Education Commission 3)study the technology development guidelines that affect the efficiency of learning management. The sample group is the college director and teachers in the academic year of 2019, a total of 340 samples were selected. Statistics used are Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation (SD) and Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA). These statistical techniques used for analysing the results in order to receive clear and precise answer and prediction influence of predictive variables. The result of the research shows that teaching technology affects the efficiency of teacher learning management. The research results show that, encompassing seven factors of analysis of The Office of Private Vocational Education Commission, is at a high level and also found that the use of technology in the teaching process, measurement and evaluation, set learning goal, create activity, instructional media and effectiveness are seven variables that explain the variance of 87% with the test result of F with statistical significance of .05.The result of testing the independence of predictive variables according to the technique of Durbin Watson which is between1.5 but no more than 2.0 considered that the predictive variables are independent and can be used to create forecasting equations based on scores and the efficiency of teacher learning management of the relationship in the same direction was at a high level statistical significance level of .01 with value r Therefore, it is concluded that the variables are related in the same direction at a high level and that the statistical significance level of .01.


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