Legal measures concerning the issuing authority for community living on state lands.


  • Phuriphat Sommat PathumThani University
  • Sungwien Theppa PathumThani University


Protection of right, Legal, measures


The objectives of this research were to study 1) Concepts and theories related to the private ownership of land, 2) supervision of state land to the land of the public domain. As the role of the state.This qualitative study was carried out by applying document analysis of the primary data obtained through in-depth interview and secondary data gained from local and international sources. The results of the study revealed that problem of land tenure and state representatives. Or perhaps the invading state land. This is an issue that has come from the past to the present. To build housing The occupation of Statistics showed. The invasion of the forest and the public. A lawsuit to court. Some people make the claim community rights, especially the right to housing should eat concept of community rights. A key reform is the right thing. The public participation in decision making and policy formulation. To be fair Reducing disparities in access to land and housing is a basic human right.


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