The Guidelines for the School Administration according to the Good Governance under the Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office, Phuket Province


  • Wipawan Homhouldee The Institute of Public Administration and Governance, Shinawatra University
  • Pornpan Silarat The Institute of Public Administration and Governance, Shinawatra University


The Guidelines for the Administratio, The Good Governance, The Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office


The objectives of this study were to 1) study the administration of schools under the Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office; 2)  study the administration in compliance with good governance of schools under Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office; 3)  study the administrative guidelines in compliance with good governance of schools under Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office, and 4)  study the problems and obstacles of the administration in compliance with good governance of schools under Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office.

This is a mixed-methods research between qualitative and quantitative research. The qualitative research was conducted as field research by in-depth interviews with 15 school administrators, directors, and deputy directors; and 15 parents (Total 30). They were involved with administration in compliance with good governance of schools under Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office and came from 3 districts of Phuket province including Mueang Phuket district, Kathu district, and Talang. Regarding the quantitative research, there were totally of 269 populations and samples of government teachers in the educational service area out of 866. The instrument used was a set of questionnaires. The study used a questionnaire as a tool, statistics used in this research were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient together with the survey of information from the documentary study.

The research results found that 1)  The administration of schools under Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office, Phuket Province, had the overall mean at a high level ( =3.99, S.D. =0.89) 2)  the administration in compliance with good governance of schools under Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office, Phuket Province, had the overall mean at a high level( =3.68, S.D. =0.88) 3)  the administrative guidelines in compliance with good governance of schools under Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office, Phuket Province, had the overall mean at a high level( =3.99, S.D. =0.90) and 4)  regarding the problems and obstacles of the administration in compliance with good governance of schools under Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office, Phuket Province, it was found that most of them underwent the problems of improvement and collecting IT updates (25.3%). The next problem was that school administrators did not listen to ideas and suggestions of key issues from internal and external persons (17.8%). The data and findings obtained from the study will be applied as the guidelines for school administrators and involving persons at all levels in charge of educational management so that they will apply good governance for the most effectiveness.


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