Competitive Strategy of Spa Business in Thailand


  • Charintip Darakorn Na Ayuthaya Faculty of Business Administration Pathum Thani University
  • Thnakorn Thanathanchuchot Faculty of Business Administration Pathum Thani University
  • Pong Horadal Faculty of Business Administration Pathum Thani University


Competitive strategy, Spa business in Thailand.


This research was quantitative and qualitative research, aim to study 1) customer behavior on services usage spa business  2) evaluate the significant level of factors leading to the competitive strategy of spa business in Thailand 3) relationship between the significant level of factors leading to the competitive strategy of spa business in Thailand and customer behavior on services usage spa business  4) and competitive strategy of spa business in Thailand, by accidental sampling 385 Questionnaire was the tool to collecting data. The analysis was conducted by computer software, statistical treatments by program computer namely: frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, ranking, Pearson Correlation, and Multiple Regression at statistical level .05, the research analyzed found that.

  1. Findings indicated that overall and every area of customer behavior on services usage spa business were at a very high level, however raking by mean first people influent to decision making usage spa business  (=4.03), frequency of spa business usage in 3 months ago(=4.01), type of spa usage (= 3.93), and average expenditure per time of spa business usage respectively.
  2. Findings indicated that overall and every area insignificant level of factors leading to the competitive strategy of spa business in Thailand was at a high level, However, the raking by meant firstly was service provider person area  (=4.08), place area  (=4.04), physical area(=4.03), service process (=3.95), promotion area (=3.95), products area, (=3.94), and differentiation area (=3.89) respectively.
  3. There was a moderate relationship level between the overall area of a significant level of factors leading to the competitive strategy of spa business in Thailand and customer behavior on services usage spa business
  4. Competitive strategy of spa business in Thailand was improved physical, decorate, create worm atmosphere with tree (Correlational Coefficients = .873), training person to be professional (Correlational Coefficients = .758), make different on the service provider and products(Correlational Coefficients = .710), improve price setting and psychology price (Correlational Coefficients = .512), marketing promotion by special price for a member, and advertising on online media (Correlational Coefficients =.558), improve service process  (Correlational Coefficients = .467), improve products (Correlational Coefficients = .332) respectively.


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