The Influence of Structural Hole on The Efficiency of Knowledge Acquisition of MSMEs in China


  • Suo Lu Ph.D. Program, School of Management, Shinawatra University, Thailand
  • Chanchai Bunchapattanasaakda Assistant Professor, School of Management, Shinawatra University, Thailand


Explicit Knowledge, Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Transfer, Social network, Structural Hole, Tacit Knowledge


The objectives of this research were to analyze the relationships between structure hole and efficient knowledge acquisition of MSME, to identify the ways of MSMEs acquiring knowledge from social networks, and to determine whether there is a significant effect of knowledge characteristics on the relationship between the structural hole and the efficiency of knowledge acquisition of MSMEs. The research was designed as quantitative research and used survey questionnaires to collect data from 486 entrepreneurs or senior managers of MSMEs, and respondents come from more than 20 different business areas.

In this paper, as the independent variable, the structural hole included two dimensions: richness and diversity. Efficient knowledge acquisition of MSME as the dependent variable, its dimensions include proprietorship, satisfaction, a variable quantity of knowledge base, and degree of knowledge innovation. Knowledge characteristics were selected as the moderating variable, it was measured from explicit and tacit knowledge aspects.

After passing the validity and reliability tests, the relationships between independent and dependent variables passed the Pearson Correlation examination. For further specifying the direction of correlation and the causal relationship between variables, One-Way ANOVA was employed in this study, and the findings showed that there is a positive correlation between the richness and diversity of structural holes and efficient knowledge acquisition of MSMEs at a significant level. Knowledge characteristics as moderating variable significant effect on the relationship between structure hole and efficient knowledge acquisition of MSMEs.


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