Legal Measures to Prevent the Invasion of State Domain.


  • Chansom Chanin PathumThani University
  • Sungwien Theppa PathumThani University


Legal, Invasion, State Domain


The objectives of this research were to study the legal on state domain invasion prevention, from the problem as followings: (1) the problem of causes of state domain invasion,(2) the problem of invasion model of state domain, (3) the impact caused by invading the state domain, (4) problem of amending the state domain invasion. (5) Legal measures to prevent the invasion of the state domain were still having the defect.

The research results had shown that (1) causes of state domain invasion were increased up the population, the demand for arable domain and residential was also increasing and influencers or politicians wanted to find benefits on state domain, (2) the invasion model of state domain, majoring cases, they were the destruction of forest reserves or forests. (3) The impact of the invasion of the state domain caused a lot of damage to the economy, society, and politics towards the nation. (4) The government had amended the problem of the invasion of the state domain by legislation establishing a settlement, granting rights for arable the domain reforms. (5) The government had legal measures to prevent the invasion of state domain but was still unable to veto the invasion of state domain. Therefore, there were suggestions to make amendments, (1) the Forest Act. B.E. 2484, (2) The National Park Act B.E. 2504, (3) The National Forest Reserves Act B.E. 2507, (4) Wildlife Reserve and Protection Act B.E. 2535, (5) State Property Act B.E. 2562, (6) measures to raise public awareness. Advocates stress to the public the importance to love, cherish, and value of state domain, (7) measures to prevent the invasion of state domain, Assigned to the bailiff, who were the sub-district heads. Exploring and accounting, this behavior was related to the invasion of the state domain. Surveillance to prevent crime, (8) intensive measures to suppress state domain intruders.  Following up to get the offenders to be punished and take legal measures to seriously and seriously prosecute the offenders.


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