The Development of TV Digital Program to Increase the Thai Elderly’s Standard of Living.


  • Phathooramphai Praphatsorn Bachelor of Communication Arts Program. Faculty of Management Science. Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University


Development, TV Digital Program, Elderly


The objectives of this research are 1) to study television media exposure, television program satisfaction, and utilization of digital television programs of the Thai elderly; 2) to study the relationship between TV media exposure and utilization of digital television programs of the Thai elderly; 3) to study the relationship between television program satisfaction and utilization of digital television programs of the Thai elderly; 4) to study the business management of digital TV stations of Thai seniors, and 5) to study the development of digital television programs in order to improve the life quality of Thai seniors.

This research is integrated research. To address the first three objectives, quantitative research with survey methods was done with the sample group concisely of 400 elderly people. To answer the 4th objective, qualitative research with in-depth interviews with 4 key informants was used. To answer the 5th objective, firstly qualitative research by using focus group interviews with 8 participants was used. Then, qualitative research by using evaluation with 16 people was used.

The research results found that the sample group had the overall exposure of television media at a high level, mean 3.56, the sample group had the satisfaction of news television programs at a high level, mean 4.29, and there was a high level of utilization in receiving various information with mean 4.13. Media exposure correlates with the utilization of digital television programs of Thai elderly at a significance level of 0.01 Satisfaction with television programs format for the elderly has a relationship with the utilization of digital TV at a significant level of 0.01. The policy of each television station is different, causing different TV program content. TV program content for the elderly should be informative, creative, and fun. the program, broadcast in the morning for 30-45 minutes each.


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