Thai Cultural Concepts of Cambodian Students, University of Phayao


  • Kanyapat Mahawong Faculty of Education Chiang Mai University
  • Jarunee Maneekul Faculty of Education Chiang Mai University


Thai cultural concept, Cambodian students, University of Phayao.


The study of Thai cultural concepts of Cambodian Students, University of Phayao. The objectives were to study the Thai cultural concepts and to study the factors that affect the concepts of Thai culture of Cambodian Students at, University of Phayao. The population was 16 bachelor’s degree students from Cambodian living in the University of Phayao for more than 6 months. Data was collected by means of an individual and group interview, using a semi-structured interview and the concepts of Thai culture tests. The data were analyzed using content were analyzed by content analysis and percentage. The results of the study indicated. 1) That most Cambodian students at the university had an average level in the Thai cultural concepts with the aspects of Thai language, food, manners, and customs by got a score of fair level 75%. The interview showed that they were able to think, analyze and explain the definition of the Thai cultural concepts and were able to give and examples of the Thai cultural concepts on abstract forms. 2) The factors affecting the concepts of the Thai culture were that the students were able to adapt to the society and learn from peers and people with who they were in touch.


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