State and Trend of Local Curriculum Implementation of Social Studies Teachers, Tak Province Area


  • Napawan Saikhiao Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University


Local curriculum, Conditions and trends in using the curriculum, Tak Province Area


The purposes of this research were to study opinions about conditions and problems in using the Local Curriculum of Social Studies Teachers in Tak Province Educational Service Area and to study opinions on the trends in using the Local Curriculum of schools in Tak Province Educational Service Area. The sample of the research was 15 school administrators, 58 academic teachers, and the social studies teachers which were selected by simple random sampling. The research instruments used in this research consisted of 1) the questionnaire which asked the opinions of the academic teachers and the social studies teachers about the conditions and problems of using the local curriculum in schools, 2) the interview forms for school administrators about the trends of using the local curriculum in schools. The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were frequency distribution, percentage, standard deviation, and content analysis. Research results found that;

  1. Conditions and problems in using the Local Curriculum

1.1 Determination of purpose content and experience. In terms of teaching and learning management processes and evaluation of academic teachers and social studies teachers in Tak Province was at a moderate level.

1.2 The tendency in using the local curriculum, it was found that the school administrators should be encouraged to support contextual factors.


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