Local Wisdom Transferring Model of the Intricate Paper Engraving Technique of Songkhla Province


  • Savitri Nudla Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Lertsiri Bovornkitti Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University


Wisdom Transmission, Gold Paper, Thai perforated paper


          The objective of this research is to investigate the transfer of the knowledge of Thai perforated paper in Songkhla province. This research was an analysis and studied the process of transferring the wisdom of Thai perforated paper and exploring the paper patterns used in Thai perforated paper. The research instruments were in-depth interviews and participant observations in order to sustain the data from the field trips surveying each area. The results of the research revealed that the Thai perforated paper from gold paper of the Songkhla province conveyed its uniqueness through paper patterns. Each pattern had its own creative identity, such as using chemical pens to paint instead of paper, showing texture details of patterns from perforated paper, and designing individual patterns, etc. In the process of transferring the wisdom of Thai perforated paper in each area, it has been passed on from generation to generation. The aim was to continue to hand down the uniqueness of the Thai perforated paper art from gold paper.


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