Marketing Strategy of One Tambon One Product in Mueang District Chiang Rai Province


  • Parueda Karnchanapayap Faculty of Management Science, Pacific Institute of Management Science


marketing strategy, One Tambon One Product, Chiangrai province


      The objectives of this research are to study marketing strategy as well as problems and obstacles of One Tambon, One Product (OTOP) goods producers in Mueang district, Chiangrai province. The quantitative methodology is used for this study with collecting data through questionnaires and analyzing data through descriptive statistics. The research finds that the producers use a variety of marketing strategies. The target market is assessed through its scale and growth rate. The eminent point of their goods is focused on beautiful and exotic packaging. The goal of their marketing is to increase of the amount of sales. The quality control of their products is emphasized. The goods is branded – following the name of its owners inorder that their customers can remember and repurchase. Generally the labels on boxes contain names and addresses of producers. The key factor determining the price of the products is its cost. However, its price is reduced if customers buy large amount of goods. A distribution channel is linked directly from producers to customers with using the producers’ vehicles. their sale promotion is cash discounts and advertising for stimulating demands of goods and recognition of their brand. Advertising is conduced through oral communication in various events and direct sales. Generally marketing problems and obstacles are moderate. Ordering from the most to least importance are pricing, distribution channel, sale promotion, advertising, direct sale and products respectively.


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