Social Support, Coping with Stress and Academic Success Of Mathayomsuksa 6 Student, at Saint Gabriel’s Collage


  • Natthon Chitthanakornnukur Department of Psychology Kasetsart University
  • Supanee Sontirat Department of Psychology Kasetsart University


Social Support, Coping with Stress, Academic Success


         The purposes of this study were: 1) to study the level of social support, coping with stress (prolem focus strategies and emotional focus strategies) and academic success of Mathayomsuksa 6, at Saint Gabriel’s College; 2) to compare academic success of the Mathayomsuksa 6, at Saint Gabriel’s College by personal factors; 3) to study correlation between social support and academic success of Mathayomsuksa 6, at Saint Gabriel’s College; 4) to study correlation between coping with stress and academic success of Mathayomsuksa 6, at Saint Gabriel’s College.

            The samples of this study were 205 Mathayomsuksa 6, at Saint Gabriel’s College. Which were selected by proportional stratifield sampling. Data were collected and analyzed by computer package program. Statistical procedures were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test (One Way Anova), multiple comparisons; Least Significant Different Test (LSD) and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.

            The results showed that: 1) the level of social support and coping with stress (prolem focus strategies) were at high; coping with stress (emotional focus strategies) was at moderate: 2) Mathayomsuksa 6, at Saint Gabriel’s College student who had difference grade point average (GPA), family’s salary, participation in school activity, hobby and suppemental learning had difference in academic success which were statistically significant at .05 and .01 : 3) Social support had positive correlation with academic success significantly at .01: 4) coping with stress  (problem focus strategies) had positive correlation with academic success significantly at .01 and coping with stress (emotional focus strategies) had negative correlation with academic success significantly at .01.


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