Analysis of the Knowledge & Reasonableness in Economics Theory and The Reasonableness Insufficiency Economy Philosophy.


  • Supornrat Wongdusitburi Lecturer at Faculty of Management Science Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University


Knowledge, Morality, Economics, Philosophy, Sufficiency Economy


            Knowledge terms and conditions Moral in Sufficiency Economy Moderate, reasonable, and self-immunity Knowledge conditions consist of knowledge in 3 areas: knowledge in various academic subjects. Careful in linking and be careful in applying the knowledge Moral Conditions There must be morality in the dimension of the mind. and actions that emphasize honesty, patience and perseverance, especially on honesty, non-greed. The sufficiency economy and economic theory must be analyzed similarly. should take into account the role of the state The role of the market and the role of community organizations to create sufficiency in society The results of the analysis have two important conclusions: Sufficiency economy philosophy or Sufficiency Economy system. It has a central idea and has three key definition elements: moderation, reasonableness, and self-immunity.

           Two conditions are knowledge and virtue. It is a guiding framework for sufficiency economy philosophy. It is linked to many important economic theories. And in a different light, the three components of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy are divided into two groups: those that contribute to the sustainable use of resources in situations without external consequences; consists of moderation and reasonableness and the part that is an element that enhances the performance of Using resources to cope with external impacts self-immunity moderation means satisfaction with what is deserved in the right amount not too little until causing poverty and not too extravagant to the extent of his own strength or causing trouble to others while at the same time strengthening the mental foundations of the people in the nation especially government officials Theorists and businessmen at all levels have a sense of integrity and honesty. and to have proper knowledge, to live with patience, perseverance, wisdom and prudence.


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