Transformational Leadership of Administrators Affecting Academic Administration of Educational Institutions under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area, Prachinburi Nakhon Nayok


  • Sakawduen Panthip Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University
  • Kanporn Aiemphaya Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University
  • Niwat Noymanee Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University


transformational leadership, academic administration


          The objectives of this research were to study 1) levels of transformational leadership of administrators under the office of secondary education service area Prachinburi Nakhon Nayok; 2) academic administration levels of educational institutions under the office of secondary education service area Prachinburi Nakhon Nayok; 3) relationship between transformational leadership of administrators and academic administration of educational institutions under the office of secondary education service area Prachinburi Nakhon Nayok; and 4) transformational leadership of administrators affecting academic administration of educational institutions under the office of secondary education service area Prachinburi  Nakhon Nayok. The Krejcie and Morgan table was used for determining sample size. The samples selected by using multi-stage sampling was 265 teachers of 19 schools in the academic year 2020 under Prachinburi Nakhon Nayok Secondary Education Service Area Office, Prachinburi Province. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

          The research results were found as follows:
          1. The level of transformational leadership of administrators overall and each aspect was high with mean scores ranking from high to low as follows: daring to challenge the working process, being a role model for others, enhancing the potential to work for others, inspiring to the shared vision, and encouraging.
           2. The level of academic administration of educational institutions overall and each aspect was high with mean scores ranking from high to low as follows: measuring and evaluating academic achievement and student registration work, teaching and learning activities, academic performance assessment, academic work, education guidance, academic development and promotion, and academic planning.
         3. Transformational leadership of administrators and academic administration of educational institutions had a high positive correlation with the statistical significance of .05.
         4. Transformational leadership of administrators affecting academic administration of educational institutions were as follows: serving a role model for others, daring to challenge the work process, and encouragement. They could mutually prediction at 46.30 percent. The predictive equation could be written in form of standard scores as Z¢y = Z'Y = .317x1 + .330x3 +.151x5


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