Sappaya of Suvarnabhumi : Guidelines for Creating a Bioecology Based on a Balanced Life Based on Buddhist Philosophy


  • Phramaha Wichit Aggajito (Chansa-nga)
  • Phramaha Boonpasid Nathapunyo (Karat)


Suitable (Sappaya), Suvarnabhumi, Creation, Balanced Life, Buddhist Philosophy


          This academic article has the following objectives: 1) Study the conceptual framework origin and importance of Suvarnabhumi 2) Study the principle of suitable at the approach to creating a biome based on a balanced life based on Buddhist philosophy. The study found that: Suvarnabhumi is a land rich in gold minerals. This made the merchants awake to come and trade in search of gold and territories rich in various resources especially spices and forest products which is an expensive product when merchants come to trade in this area, they will return to riches. Therefore, it is considered a land of gold. Therefore, the name of Suvarnabhumi is just the name of the overall area. Suvarnabhumi creates value in various fields especially in the area of settlement people come here because of wealth leading to the balance of life. In Buddhism, it has been mentioned about the way of creating a bio-ecology based on a balanced life with the principle of Sappaya which is suitable for each other. Suitable environment supportive things that help support to be comfortable in the body. It is a guideline for creating a biome based on a balanced life based on Buddhist philosophy, consisting of 1) Suitable abode 2) Suitable resort 3) Suitable speech 4) Suitable person 5) Suitable food 6) Suitable climate 7) Suitable posture.


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