The Factors Influencing the Success of Operating a Construction Industry Business During the Coronavirus Epidemic (COVID-19)


  • Sirus Kenphanan Independent Academician


Success, Construction Industry Business, Coronavirus Disease


       This study was aimed 1) to study the environmental factors within the organization, outside the organization that influence the success of the construction industry business during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic. 2) To study the environmental factors of the industry influencing the success of the construction industry business during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic. 3) To study the success of the construction industry business during the viral epidemic Corona (COVID-19). The population used in this study is construction project operators or developers. The exact population is unknown, so W.G. Cochran's formula was used to obtain the sample of at least 385 samples, choosing as per convenience. The questionnaire tool and the statistics were used to analyze the data included: average and standard deviation, the multiple regression analysis and analyze the content. The results are shown as below:
       1. The environmental factors within the organization and outside the organization, the overall was at the highest level ( x̄= 4.24) in descending order of average, as follows: Threats, Strengths, Weaknesses and Opportunities.
      2. The industrial environment factors, the overall was at a high level ( x̄= 4.17) in descending order of average as follows: bargaining power of raw material sellers, bargaining power of buyers, new competitors and substitutes for services and competition in the industry.
       3. The success in operating the construction industry business during the epidemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the overall was at a high level ( x̄= 4.16). The average sorted from high to low as follows: Increased profits, increased sales and increased more customers.


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