Accordingly to democracy as perceived by the political party executive committee


  • Kongsakol Jeungpattana Bangkokthonburi University
  • Satit Niyomyard Bangkokthonburi University


moral development, leadership, Executive Committee of Political Parties


        This research is objective the analysis revealed that 1. The study the integration of appropriate theories and principles for the development of democratic political leadership as perceived by the political party executive committee. study the model of political leadership characteristics for the development of the country. 2. The study the model of political leadership characteristics for the development of the country. The research model was a qualitative task using a conversational method. A sample of 20 experts was conducted by interviewing individuals involved in group discussions.           The results of the analysis revealed that: 1. Leadership of political party executive directors according to democratic regimes as perceived, found that there were problems in developing leadership according to the principles of political party executive committees in 4 aspects. 1) Characteristics consist of lack of knowledge in all aspects Lack of ability to harmonize relationships Lack of ability to reason andmake decisions without considering the public interest lack of credibility Corruption and bribery and lack of honesty and transparency Lack of role model is difficult to verify. 3) The situation consists of Lack of participation in management or solving various problems; lack of knowledge of management according to rules and democracy; 4) reforms, including lack of equality in the opinion of the people All occupations in the sustainable development of the country lack of democratic reform Lack of development for a long time. 2. The integration of appropriate theories and morals for the development of political leadership under a democratic regimeaccording to the perception of the political party executive committee found that it consisted of integration leadership with applied moral principles, Sangahavathu 4,Brahmawihan 4 and There are seven principles for the identification of desirable qualities that are the qualities of a good person who is a perfect human being. Which can be developed into a desirable feature is important as follows: good representation be a good speaker Be a good negotiator and be a good practitioner. 3. The body of knowledge obtained from the research consisted of 2 approaches: 1) Training. Human resource developer Strategic Management and Leadership Development and change leaders 2) Looking at the example of others on the positive side found that it should  be sampled His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej Maha Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great, the monarch who is the “father”, is an example of the Thai people who have leadership. feature He is visionary, knowledgeable in behavior, and has humility. exemplary situational sacrifice Be a solution to the crisis in the country Developing friendships with foreign countries reform Become a public benefit developer.


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