Public Law and Principles of Public Law


  • Phannarat Sothonpraphakorn Faculty of Law Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University
  • Konjanard Charoensook Bachelor of Law Program, Pacific Institute of Management
  • Kijbodi Kongbenjapuch Independent Scholar
  • Kasem Suphasit Bachelor of Law Program, Pacific Institute of Management


law, public law, power


         From the study of names of Thai law from the Sukhothai era to the present. It did not appear that Thailand enacted a law in the name of public law, but found the word "public law" as the name of a law course learned about power to be used in the government at all levels. It is not a criminal matter and it is not a civil matter. It is about the powers that are provided in the laws, the powers that are in the constitution. It is the legislative power, the executive power, the judicial power, and the powers derived from the other laws. It is about the rules, Administrative order, Administrative action and administrative contracts, and when studying the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court. As for the Administrative Court, it is the same judgment in relation to the matter of power. The Constitutional Court considered the legislative, executive and judicial power, and organizations related to these three powers. The Administrative Court considered the case on the rules Administrative order Administrative action and administrative contracts, which is the administrative power used in the administration of the State affairs. The Court of Justice and the Military Court do not consider cases in connection with the matter of power and the rule used criteria used on power are called "principles of public law". When considering the constituents of power under the provisions of the law and the jurisdiction of the court, it is found that the composition or structure of power consists of: 1. Law 2. Legal authority 3. Principles of law 4. Authority

          The aforementioned elements cannot be missing any one component, that is, there is no law, no power, because power is derived from law and the law will also enact the user of power. In which the power user must exercise the powers that have been received in accordance with the rules provided by law. In order to fulfill the duties as provided by law and when there is a dispute, it will be within the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court or the Administrative Court according to the case and the rules used by the court in making judgments are called "principles of public law".

Keyword: law, public law, power


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