The Study of Knowledge Management for Marketing Promotion of Kham Kheob Textile Product by Using English Language at Nan Province


  • Preeyarut Srichaiwong Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Lampang, Thailand


Knowledge Management, Kham Kheob fabric weaving, Marketing promote, English language


              This study aimed 1) To promote and develop the marketing of Kham Kheob fabric weaving products in Nan province, 2) To manage knowledge of Kham Kheob fabric weaving products using English and 3) To promote the marketing of Kham Kheob fabric weaving products by using English. This research was mixed method research. There were 20 key informants from 4 weaving community enterprises at Nan province. The research tools were structured interview and focus group based on 7 steps of knowledge management system.

               The result on the first research objective showed that Kham Kheob fabric weaving is a unique fabric that the 4 community enterprise groups showed the 7-steps knowledge management results as follows: Ban Sao Luang Woven Fabric Enterprise Group was the group that had the most systematic management of English language knowledge followed by Ban Na Pong Pattana Community Enterprise Group. Ban Don Chai Tourism Community Enterprise and Teen Jok Nam Pua weaving community enterprises, respectively. The results of the research according to objective number 2 revealed that the knowledge management of community enterprise groups had a strategy to successfully promote English language skills as there were 5 important teaching strategies. The results of the research according to the third objective revealed that the scores on the competency assessment of the community enterprise groups before and after the English language skill development had an increase in average scores. The average score of pre-test was 9.97, representing 49.83% (S.D. = 2.76), and the average score of post-test was 15.94, representing 74.5% (S.D. = 2.26). In addition, the Kham Kheob Weaving Community Enterprise Group has developed and obtained guidelines for knowledge management in the future.


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