Thai hill tribe and human security: Hmong ethnic in Phetchabun Province


  • Sittidet wongpratya Independent Academician
  • Wannaporn Buddhapoompitak College of Innovation and Management, Suansunandha Rajabhat University
  • Sermsiri Akaraputipun Invited Lecturer Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Thai hill tribe, Human security, Hmong ethnic


             The four applied research objectives are 1) study Hmong as Thai hill tribe community context in Keg-noi sub-district, khao kor district, Phetchabun province 2) examine religious beliefs issue 3) examine conflict between community and governor state 4) propose community problem solutions using human security management innovation. Qualitative and participatory research methods were conducted with 16,000 sample population.

             It is found that 1) Thai Hmong hill tribe community has unique culture, tradition, way of life, history, believes, language, and attitude contexts with currently community and arable land reform after cold war era.  They are the biggest hill tribe in Thailand after collective and dynamic change. 2) they believe in ancestry along with  Buddhist and Christian religious. 3) they still have community and arable land reform conflict after cold war until now creating slum, human security, political influence.  To solve those problems, sincere and straight forward process of land reform must be applied especially from government sectors with local community participation as well as historical tourism promotion, economics community promotion, natural and cultural tourism. Finally, community security psychology must be strengthened.


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