Determine the Core Value of the Social Security Office Pathumthani Province
Determine, the Core Value, The Social Security OfficeAbstract
This study were aims. 1) To determine the core value of the Social Security office, Pathumthani province. 2) To level of services quality of the social security office, Pathumthani province. 3) To compare the core values of Social Security Office, Pathumthani province organization classify by characteristics of respondent. 4)To investigate the relationship between organizational core values and service quality of the Social Security Office, Pathumthani. Sample size were 400 respondents. Data were collected by simple random methods, statistical treatment data were frequency, percentage, standard deviation and t-test, analysis of variance tests of Fisher's Least Significant Difference or Dunnett's T3 and a correlation coefficient of Pearson.
The research found that
1. Over all area of core value of the Social Security Office, Pathumthani province organization were high level. If ranking by mean found that first elegant and friendly, dedication and selfless dedication, excellence service efficiency, and teamwork area repectively.
2. Over all area of service quality of the Social Security Office, Pathumthani province were high level. If ranking by mean found that: service readiness area, responsibilities, facility area, services process provides, credibility and fiduciary, and reliability and accuracy area.
3. There were significant different of core value Social Security Office, Pathumthani province classified by gender, age, marital status, average income per month and frequency of used. But there were relationship between core value and service quality of the Social Security Office, Pathumthani province at highly correlated same direction
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บทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์เป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของ สถาบันวิทยาการจัดการแห่งแปซิฟิค
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