Mental Model-Led Theory of Planned Behavior Application to Studying Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of Teachers and Administrative Staffs at Higher Learning Institutions
theory of planned behavior, mental model, transformational leadership, job performance, organizational citizenship behaviorAbstract
The study sets forth to present a theoretical model derived from the theory of planned behavior (TPB) that employs a critical missing concept, the “mental model” in the extant literature for applications to organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). Mental models are represented by the engineer, community-building, visionary, and artistic elements, and wide variations are evidenced across different age groups and positions. The questionnaire survey provides means of data collection at two public higher learning institutions (HLIs) in Thailand, and structural equation modeling (SEM) statistics provides the empirical validation base for both theoretical and practical insights. Perceived job performance is shown as a significant mediator between the antecedent variables (namely, proactive attitude, the different dimensions of mental model, and transformational leadership) and OCB, which is outcome-oriented and is reckoned as more directional and impactful. The theoretical implication further connects the mental model-led TPB to the job demand-resource (JDR) model.
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