Causal Factors Affecting to Competency of Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to Desirable of Entrepreneurs of Companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand
Accounting in formation system, Accounting Professional Ethics, Information Technology, AttitudeAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study the causal factors affecting Certified Public Accountants’ competency (CPAs) according to Entrepreneurs’ desire for listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) ; 2) to study the influence of causal factors affected on CPAs competency according to Entrepreneurs’ desire for listed companies in SET and 3) to develop a causal model affecting competency of CPAs according to Entrepreneurs’ desire for listed companies in SET. This research is applied both qualitative and quantitative methods. Data was collected from Entrepreneurs of listed companies in SET. A questionnaire was used and purposive sampling was selected from 320 samples. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency distribution, mean, percentage, standard deviation and Structural Equation Modeling. The results showed that the model is conformity with the empirical data (X2/df = 2.36, CFI = 0.99, GFI = 0.61, AGFI =1.24, RMSEA =0.042 and SRMR=0.02) indicated that the structural equation model is harmonious with the empirical data. Hypothesis testing results revealed that accounting information system, accounting professional ethics, information technology and practical attitude were the causal factors that had a positive direct influence on CPAs' competency and Entrepreneurs’ desire for listed companies in SET. In addition, it found that competency of CPAs had a positive direct influence on Entrepreneurs’ desire for listed companies in SET.
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