Learning Plan Management Integrated with STEM Education to Enforce Creative Ability for Kindergarten Students 3


  • Somjai Rueanphet The Degree of Master of Education Curriculum and Instruction Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • อารีย์ ปรีดีกุล The Degree of Master of Education Curriculum and Instruction Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


Learning Plan Management Integrated with STEM Education, Creative Ability


             The purposes of this research were 1) to construct and find the quality of learning experience integrated with the learning management called STEM Education for Kindergarten 3, 2) to try out and study the outcomes of plan management as follows: 1) to compare the creativity of Kindergarten students 3 after learning with the criteria of 70%, 2) to study students’ satisfaction towards the learning plans.  The sample groups were 15 Kindergarten students 3 who are studying in the first semester of the academic year 2022 at Wat Pak Nam School, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai Province by simple random sampling.  The data were collected by employing 1) learning management plans integrated with STEM Education learning plans, 2) a test on creative ability for Kindergarten students 3, 3) a test for students’ satisfaction and, analyzed by administering mean, percentage, and standard deviation, and t-test one sample.

          The findings found that the Learning Plan Management Integrated with STEM Education to Enforce Creative Ability for Kindergarten Students 3 comprised 8 plans with 6 stages of STEM Education as follows: 1. Problem identification, 2. Collection of data and ideas related to problems, 3. Design of problem-solving, 4. Planning and implementation of problems, 5. Testing, evaluating, and adjustment of problem-solving methods or pieces of work, 6.  The presentation of problem-solving is shown as follows:

  1. The quality value of the learning experience management plans integrated with the STEM Education plan was highly appropriate.
  2. The comparative outcomes of students’ creativities were higher than the set of 70 percent.
  3. The students’ satisfaction with the learning experience management plans integrated with the STEM Education plan overall was at the highest level.


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