Model and the Participation Mechanism in Developing the Schools Educational Quality which located on Northern Thailand Highlands in the Remote Areas


  • Prawet Wetcha Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • ฺBoonchob Chantapoon Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • Sooksan Sonnual Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • Thatchai Chansa Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Model and Mechanism, Participation, Educational Quality


          The research objective was to Study of the Model and the Participation Mechanism in Developing the Schools Educational Quality which located on Highlands in the Remote Areas of Northern Thailand. Threes schools in the remote rural areas were selected as a case-by-case example: The research tools using in this study were field survey including the School Basics Survey, in-depth interview group, Focus Group Discussion and the result of the studies the documents concerned by using the Atlas ti Program in helping analyzed the content analysis. Then present the research results by using a descriptive document research.
           The results showed that the Model and the Participation Mechanism in Developing the Schools Educational Quality which located on Highlands in the Remote Areas of Thailand in 6 schools were as follows: 1). The Patterns and the Mechanisms of  Participation along the Chain of Command : The model was found that it was form by the hierarchical structure of the organization's authority from policy-level to area-level that act according to the law in educational management 2)The Model and the Mechanisms of the Government Organizations Participation; The model was found that it was arisen according to the structure and authority of the organization, from the policy level to the local level in providing support the fundamentals of educational management according to the authority and at the request of the school. 3) The Model and the Mechanisms of the Outsider Organizations Participation; This pattern was happened by the faith, intent and the purpose to support the basic factors of educational management and the development of educational quality 4) The Model and the Mechanisms of participation from the Royal Initiative Development Organizations was formed under the Royal Initiative Project which had specific objectives to improving the quality of education. such as schools in the Child and Youth Development Program in the wilderness According to the Royal Initiative of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, Doi Tung Development Project, etc. 5)The Model and the Mechanisms of participation by internal processes of the school  was found in the propose of solving  the  problem and to improving the quality of school education with a direct focus on the learning outcomes that will occur directly to students  through the curriculum and teaching system and also through the students advising and helping systems.


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