Comparison of the election system for members of the House of Representatives According to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (B.E. 2560) and the Federal Republic of Germany, United Kingdom and the French Republic


  • Kabkaew Ponyathai Northern College, Thailand


Comparison, Electoral system, Member of the House of Representatives


         The purpose of this research was to study the election system for members of the House of Representatives. According to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (B.E. 2560), compared to the Federal Republic of Germany United Kingdom and the French Republic By considering 1) voting for the election of members of the House of Representatives 2) criteria for calculating the number of members of the House of Representatives It is a qualitative research project. Study concepts, theories, and legal documents.
          The results of the research were as follows: 1) voting for members of the House of Representatives According to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. in the Federal Republic of Germany can vote for both members of the House of Representatives on a constituency basis and on a party list basis. in the UK and the French Republic There is no list of members of the House of Representatives. 2) Calculation of the number of members of the House of Representatives According to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. in the Federal Republic of Germany It is required that political parties receive no less than 5 percent of the electoral votes in order to be used to calculate the number of members of the House of Representatives on a list basis. And the number of members of the House of Representatives may exceed the specified number.
            Therefore, it is proposed to amend the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E. 2560, Section 91 (1), by dividing the total number of votes from all countries that all political parties received from party-list elections by five hundred. The list of political parties that receive less than 5% of total votes cast in the country. It shall be deemed that no one on that list is elected. And such votes shall not be included in the calculation to determine the proportion of the number of members of the House of Representatives under Section 91(4) in calculating the number. List of members of the House of Representatives Use a ratio system based on the number of voters in each political party. Compared with the total number of voters from all political parties the number received is the number of members of the House of Representatives on a list basis. If there are remaining decimals, sort in descending order according to political party order.


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