Loan and Housing Demand of Self Employed in Pathum Thani Province


  • Sukrich Pongpunpanich Faculty of Liberal Arts, Krirk University
  • Teeradej Snongtaweeporn Faculty of Liberal Arts, Krirk University
  • Sutham Lertpongprasert Faculty of Liberal Arts, Krirk University


      The objectives of this research study were to study personal information, behavior, problems in using the service and the bank's credit service. correlated with demand for home equity loans of self-employed in Pathum Thani Province by using a group of self-employed in Pathum Thani Province Using a sample of 400 people to be confident that 95 percent are self-employed. in Pathum Thani Province with a questionnaire The questionnaire by Cronbach's alpha coefficient method was used by convenience sampling. were used to calculate the correlation to the need for self-employed housing loans in Pathum Thani Province using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation t-test, F-test (One-Way ANOVA), pair test by Scheffe's post hoc comparison and coefficient analysis. Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient The results showed that Factors relating to personal data of self-employed persons in Pathum Thani Province There are different housing loan requirements. Behavioral aspects of home loan demand among self-employed professionals in Pathum Thani Province have different needs and behaviors Problems in using self-employed home loan services In Pathum Thani Province, it was found that self-employed people in Pathum Thani Province There is a level of difficulty in using home loan services. Considering each aspect, it was found that Product distribution channel in terms of characteristics in terms of increasing productivity and service quality service process In terms of marketing promotion and educating customers, it was found that the respondents were gender, age, educational level and occupation. and different monthly income There are different housing loan requirements. Banking service needs based on personal data There is a relationship with different credit requirements.


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