Measures to control illegal foreign workers in Thailand


  • Vichan Chanin Master of Laws Program Northern College


Foreign worker’s employment, illegal


              The objective of this study was to examine legal measure for controlling illegal foreign workers in Thailand by considering the following problems included 1) social problems and well-being, 2) public health problems in the community, and 3) national security problems of Thailand. This study was a qualitative research in design by analyzing legal documents, act, rule, regulation, announce, order, and to propose suggestion to amend the law.

              The study results revealed that since The Royal Decree on the Management of Foreign Workers (No. 2) B.E. 2561 effective, showed that 1) the illegal foreign worker hiring in Thailand faced social problems included scramble for work among foreign workers, burglary, quarrel from alcohol drinking, causing some Thai people to be afraid. 2) For public health problems in the community showed that illegal foreign worker hiring in Thailand who entered illegally had no medical examination and they were carriers of new diseases to Thailand. 3) For national security problems indicated that those illegal foreign workers scattered in various areas across the country causing problems in governing.

              Therefore, it should amend The Royal Decree on the Management of Foreign Workers (No. 2) B.E. 2561 (2018) Section 29/1 “There should be a provincial policy committee for foreign worker management which consists of governor, sheriff, deputy district chief, provincial labor, police superintendent , revenue, village headman, medical doctor being director by position, qualified persons with knowledge and experience in labor, industrial, laws and human rights, appointed one person on each side. The director of Provincial Foreign Workers Administration Office would be a secretary”. Section 30/1 “Provincial Foreign Worker Management Policy Committee have authority and function to determine policy, direct and manages foreign workers as following : 1) set policy for managing foreign workers, 2) set a policy for recruiting foreign workers based on knowledge and competency, 3) organize a training course for foreign workers related to the laws and local customs, 4) other function as required by laws”.


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