Impact Assessment of Phuket Community to Epidemic COVID-19


  • Somsak Kongthong Advisor of the Provincial Police Region 8 in the field of Inspecting and monitoring police administration
  • Pornpan Silarat Advisor of the Provincial Police Region 8 in the field of Inspecting and monitoring police administration


Assessment, Impact, COVID-19 epidemic


             The purposes of this research were to assess the impact of Phuket community on the COVID-19 epidemic. This was qualitative research data were collected by using the questionnaire and the sample was selected from people in Phuket. The population of 269 people. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results showed that the overall impact of Phuket community on the COVID-19 epidemic was at a highest level, average (x̄=4.89)  economy, average (x̄=4.76) on government assistance policy, average (x̄=4.42)  and Community Strengthening Mean (x̄=3.56)  This research are studying factor of the successful are heighten efficiency for community adaptation to sustainability and problem solving. Basically, wear a mask when leaving the house. Carry alcohol gel, social distancing, washing hands and refraining from going to crowded places.



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