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The Correlation Between Consumption Behavior, Sleep Quality And Blood Pressure of the Elderly in Muang District, Sukhothai Province


  • pattaranun prasomdee นักวิจัยและนักวิชาการอิสระ
  • ธิติ แซ่สง
  • ภัททิยา โพธิมู
  • รวิดาภรณ์ พรหมสวัสดิ์


Consumption Behavior, Sleep Quality, Blood Pressure Levels


This study aimed to examine, along with determine the relationship between consumption behavior, sleep quality as well as blood pressure of the elderly in Mueang District, Sukhothai Province. The sample group in this study consisted of 250 elderly people from senior schools in the Center for Quality-of-Life Development and Occupational Promotion for the Elderly, selected by simple sampling (drawing a lottery). The research tool was a survey form for consumption behavior, sleep quality and blood pressure of the elderly. Then, the data were analyzed by determining the frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, besides the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.

              The result was that 1) the average score of consumption behavior of the elderly in Mueang District, Sukhothai Province was high; 2) the average sleep quality score of the elderly in Mueang District, Sukhothai Province was high; 3) the average blood pressure of the elderly in Mueang District, Sukhothai Province was normal; 4) consumption behavior and sleep quality were positively related with blood pressure with statistical significance of .01.


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2024-05-02 — Updated on 2024-04-30




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