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Study on Creating a Control and Inspection Framework to Reduce Disbursement risks.


  • Nanlaphat Kongkaewrasamee -


ความเสี่ยงในการเบิกจ่าย, กรอบการควบคุม, กรอบการตรวจสอบ, การลดความเสี่ยง


This academic article addresses the imperative task of fortifying organizational financial integrity through the creation of a comprehensive control and auditing framework aimed at mitigating disbursement risks. In an era characterized by rapid financial transactions and heightened regulatory scrutiny, the establishment of a robust control framework is vital for organizational resilience.

The article meticulously analyzes the significance of such frameworks within accounting systems, emphasizing their role in fostering transparency, accountability, and stakeholder confidence. Central to the discourse is an exploration of methodologies for monitoring and analyzing disbursements, strategically designed to identify and mitigate financial risks. By scrutinizing transactions with precision and leveraging advanced technologies, organizations can proactively address potential vulnerabilities, fraud, and errors. The article delves into the intricacies of designing and implementing control frameworks, elucidating best practices and highlighting the integration of technological solutions for enhanced efficiency. As organizations navigate an evolving financial landscape, this article serves as a comprehensive guide, offering insights into the critical elements of a control and auditing framework. Through a synthesis of theoretical frameworks, practical methodologies, and technological applications, it provides a roadmap for organizations to not only reduce disbursement risks but also foster a culture of financial prudence and resilience. 


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