Access to Health Care Services Services in Tambon Health Promotion Hospital in Mueang District, Phayao Province


  • wirawut phinitphan -
  • Udomchoke Asawimalkit


This article aims to explain the process of transferring the mission of the Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital to the Phayao Provincial Administrative Organization. and the effect on people's access to health services Including an analysis of important problems and obstacles in providing public health services under the Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital. The sample group selected for the study consisted of 397 people who were public service recipients who received services from the Nai Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital. mueang district A questionnaire consisting of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation was used.

The results of the study found that The transfer of such missions has an impact in important areas including: Overall public access to health services is at a moderate level. with an average of 2.6378 (Std .39960), convenience of receiving services of 4.9244 (Std .39730), and satisfaction of receiving services of 4.9446 (Std .28240). Conclusion Problems and obstacles that may occur in the public health service process In particular, there are some discrepancies in access to health services. Therefore, it is recommended that there be improvements to increase the efficiency of public health services at the local level. In order for people to have efficient and equal access to health services, service recipients can still receive quality services at a high level. and access to medical treatment at the Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital After the transfer of missions to the Phayao Provincial Administrative Organization, the level was at a high level. Access to services at the Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, Mueang District, Phayao Province is at a high level. This is because people who come to receive services from the Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, Mueang District, Phayao Province, are in the vicinity of the service facility. You can come to receive service conveniently.


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