Discuss the Development of Digital Platforms and Their Role in Artistic Communication


  • Hanzhe Zhang
  • Dhirawit Pinyonatthagarn


digital platforms; East-West cultural exchange; art dissemination; global art perception; cultural dialogue.


This Article aimed to study Digital platforms contribute to the spread of art across cultural boundaries in three ways, and they provide some support for dissemination beyond borders, 1.the ways digital platforms support art dissemination across cultural boundaries, 2. their impact on global art perception, and 3.the dynamics of cultural exchange and strategies for improvement in this context. The samples population covered a wide variety of different plates, as was set up with representatives from various digital art platforms and case studies, that were successful at crossing cultural barriers just as making art online together. Together these platforms and case studies were chosen to be pertinent to East-West cultural interchanges as well as its role in digital art. The sample included various digital art platforms and case studies reflecting successful cross-cultural engagement and digital co-creation of artworks. They were chosen on grounds of their relevance to East-West cultural interaction and their importance in the dissemination of digital art. Data were collected using literature review and case study analysis, and Descriptive Statistics and Content Analysis were employed to conduct the data analysis. Research findings are as follows: 1. Digital platforms have appreciably changed the way in which Western audiences interact with art that comes from the East. For them it makes the art of the Orient objective and immediate. 2.These platforms, a unique form of cultural exchange allows for dialogue leading to increased recognition on a variety of levels, not just spatial ones.3.They also facilitate the co-creation of digital artworks, demonstrating the potential for collaborative art in a global context.


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