Strong Community Factors Affecting Success in the OTOP tourism community, Nawatwithi Ban Tham Namphu, Thap Kwang Sub-district, Kaeng Khoi District, Saraburi Province.


  • Wasan Machaiyaphoom
  • Anchalee Narintorn


community participation, success of OTOP Nawatwithi tourism community, strong community


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the level of strong community factors and the level of success factors. 2) To compare the success, administrative division classified by demographic characteristics. 3) To study strong community factors that affect the success, and 4) to study the problems and obstacles of the OTOP Nawatwithi Ban Tham Nampu tourism community. The research focusing on a sample population of People in the OTOP Nawatwithi tourism community. A survey questionnaire was used for data collection. Statistical methods such as frequency, percentages, means, standard deviations.

The research findings indicated that: 1) People in the OTOP Nawatwithi tourism community, Ban Tham Nam Phu. Most of the places studied had opinions about strong communities. Overall, it is at a high level.  When considering each aspect, it was found that All aspects are at a high level. The side with the highest average value is Community leaders 2) and the aspect with the lowest average was the participation of people in the community. 2) People in the OTOP Nawatwithi tourism community, Ban Tham Nam Phu, Thap Kwang Subdistrict, have opinions about the community's success. Overall, it is at a high level.  When considering each aspect, it was found that Every aspect is at a high level. The side with the highest average is in terms of increased income (The average is 4.04) and the aspect with the least average is the increased number of tourists.  3) People in the OTOP Nawatwithi tourism community, Ban Tham Nam Phu. Thap Kwang Subdistrict with gender, age, education, average monthly income and different occupations affect the success of the OTOP Nawatwithi tourism community at Ban Tham Nam Phu, Thap Kwang Subdistrict, Kaeng Khoi District, Saraburi Province. They are different, with statistical significance at the .01 level. 4) Strong community factors in terms of government support Local wisdom The participation of people in the community affects the success of the OTOP Nawatwithi tourism community at Ban Tham Nam Phu, Thap Kwang Subdistrict, Kaeng Khoi District, Saraburi Province. with a joint forecasting ability of 88.40 percent. And 5) problems and obstacles found are: 1) The problem of the community market structure is not yet strong and stable. This is because the villagers have helped each other as part of the development of the tourist village. 2) Problems of cooperation among people within the community. The villagers still do not fully cooperate and sacrifice, causing the work to not be continuous and not succeed as it should be. 3) There is a lack of public relations for the tourist village to be known thoroughly and widely.


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