Klong Thai: Guidelines for In-depth Research of the Klong Thai Line 9 A, 2023


  • Benjbhon Mee-ngoen
  • Tussanee Sirariyakul
  • Narong Tomcharoen
  • Thitapa Na Ranong


Klong Thai, Impact of Klong Thai 9A, Possibility of Klong Thai 9A


This academic article have a purpose To present a framework for thinking about the impact of the Thai Canal Project Line 9A on the level of opinions. Level of needs and expectations of stakeholders and present a framework regarding the feasibility of the Thai Canal Project, Line 9A, which affects the level of success of the Line 9 A project.

The results of the presentation of the conceptual framework as a guideline for in-depth research include: 1. Conceptual framework according to objective number 1: Desired impacts from the Thai Canal Project Line 9A. that affects the level of opinions of stakeholders 2. Conceptual framework according to objective number 2, desired impacts from the Thai Canal Project 9A that affects the level of needs of key stakeholders and the level of needs of secondary stakeholders Conceptual framework according to objective number 3 that is desired that affects the level of expectations of key stakeholders and the level of expectations of secondary stakeholders. 3. Conceptual framework according to objective number 3, the feasibility of the Thai Canal Project Line 9A that affects the level of success of the Thai Canal Project Line 9A in response to the public and There are vested interests waiting for the government's decision. The authors would like to present the conceptual framework for this in-depth research study to those with the authority to present it to the Thai government and parliament. To accelerate and push for in-depth study of the Thai Canal Line 9 A in order to obtain both broad and deep empirical data to support decisions on proceeding with the Thai Canal Line 9 A project according to the government process.


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