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The Development of learning management theory system and LOCAL STEM Waengnoi district to encourage science skill


  • Anan Wiengphakdee


Model development, Learning management, Learning management (LOCAL STEM), Local learning resources, Waengnoi district, Encourage science skill


This research aimed to 1) study basic information on the development of learning management models based on the concept of learning management (LOCAL STEM) in conjunction with the concept of learning management of local learning resources, Waengnoi district, to promote science process skills for Mathayom 6 students. 2) to develop learning management models based on the concept of learning management (LOCAL STEM) in conjunction with the concept of learning management of local learning resources, Waengnoi district, to promote science process skills for Mathayom 6 students. This quantitative research used a questionnaire to collect opinions of parents of students on learning management using the learning management model. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, percentage, and hypothesis testing using t-test (Dependent Sample).

The research results found that 1. The results of the study of basic information on the development of learning management models based on the concept of learning management (LOCAL STEM) in conjunction with the concept of learning management of local learning resources, Waengnoi district to promote science process skills for Mathayom 6 students found that students had opinions on the current state of learning management, Waengnoi district, to promote science process skills. Overall, it was at a low level (mean = 2.37, S.D. = 0.59) and the need for organizing learning, the Waengnoi district, to promote science process skills, was overall at the highest level (mean = 4.54, S.D. = 0.54). 2. The results of developing a learning management model based on the learning management concept (LOCAL STEM) combined with the learning management concept of local learning resources, the Waengnoi district, to promote science process skills for Mathayom 6 students found that the learning management model had 4 components


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