Cost and return analysis of fresh coconut milk jelly production in the community of Tai Ko Subdistrict, Sam Khok District, Pathum Thani Province

Cost and return analysis of fresh coconut milk jelly production, Tai Ko Subdistrict Community, Sam Khok District, Pathum Thani Province


  • วรภร ศิลาเจริญธนกิจ -


This research is to study the cost and return, the appropriate selling price and profit planning, and to study the problems, obstacles, and suggestions from the production and distribution of fresh coconut milk jelly in the community of Tambon Tai Kao, Sam Khok District, Pathum Thani Province. The sample group is 15 fresh coconut milk jelly entrepreneurs, all female, with primary education and working for more than 10 years. The interviews and focus groups

          The research results found that the production of fresh coconut milk jelly once will produce 100 pieces of fresh coconut milk jelly in flower molds, which can be packed in 20 boxes. The production of fresh coconut milk jelly has a production cost per box of 7.75 baht and a total production cost of 155 baht. The analysis of the return on the sale of fresh coconut milk jelly found that there was a profit from sales of 7.25 baht per box, accounting for 93.55 percent of the total cost per box. If customers order more than 50 boxes of fresh coconut milk coconut jelly, the transportation cost is 30 baht per time or approximately 0.60 baht per box (30 baht/50 boxes). The profit from selling is reduced from 7.25 baht per box to 6.66 baht per box, which is 85.93 percent of the total cost per box. The total production cost is 7.75 baht per box and the operating cost is 0.60 baht per box, resulting in a total cost of 8.35 baht per box or a combined cost of 167 baht per time (20 boxes x 8.35 baht). In order to gain a profit from selling of not less than 70 percent of the total cost per box, the fresh coconut milk coconut jelly must be sold at a price not less than 14.20 baht.


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